Oaktree Wellness Center helps patients determine whether the body has excessive levels of heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, by administering a prescription chelating agent, such as oral DMPSand/or IV CaEDTA and testing to see if the body burden is elevated. Patients with heavy metal toxicity can exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms, mainly affecting the endocrine, neurological and immune systems.
Treating chronic heavy metal toxicity with chelation reduces the body's overall toxic burden, and may reduce healthcare costs, keeping people feeling younger and healthier. Chelation can also been used to treat coronary and peripheral artery disease. Recent scientific studies have shown other health benefits as well. If you feel you are suffering from heavy metal toxicity or exhibit any of the signs and symptoms listed, call our office today at 630-871-8100 and make an appointment to see how chelation can help you to lead a healthier life.
Additional Information About Chelation
How can I get tested and treated?
Heavy metal signs and symptoms
What heavy metals does chelation remove?
Are there any recent scientific studies?
Can chelation be used treat vascular disease and other chronic conditions?
What are the cost of chelation therapy?
What can I do if I have heavy metal toxicity?