
Cancer is defined as a disease of uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. If the growth and spread of the abnormal cells is not controlled, death can be the result. Cancer is caused by both outside factors such as tobacco, infectious organisms, chemicals and radiation; as well as internal factors, such as inherited mutations, hormones, immune conditions and mutations that occur from metabolism. All cancers involve the malfunction of genes that control cell growth and division.

Anyone can develop cancer. The risk of developing cancer increases with age and approximately 77% of all cancers are diagnosed at the age of 55 and older. As of 2014, close to 1.7 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed each year. Of those diagnosed, almost 600,000 will die from the disease. In simple numbers, that is about 1,600 people per day. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US, (exceeded only by heart disease) and accounts for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths.

The American Cancer Society estimates that one third of all cancer in the world would not occur if people did not smoke cigarettes. Another third can be prevented with weight loss, exercise, and healthier eating. That means that 2/ 3 of all cancer is preventable!!! Approximately 5% of all cancers are strongly hereditary, in other words, a genetic mutation that you inherited from your mother or father gives you a very high risk of developing one or more specific types of cancer. Most cancers do not result from inherited genes but from damage to genes occurring during one’s lifetime. Genetic damage can come from outside influences or internal factors.

Ten or more years often pass between exposure to external factors and detectable cancer. It has been stated many times that one cancer cell never hurt anyone. A billion cancer cells is another matter. Every time a cancer divides, the tumor doubles in size. Doubling times for different cancers vary. Breast cancer cells need only double about 30 times to develop a tumor large enough to be detected by standard mammography. It can take anywhere from 25 to 1000 days for cancer cells to double just once. From the time a cell is first mutated, it will take between 2 and 100 years before it shows up as a tumor we can see with current diagnostic technology.

Most doctors and researchers would agree that cancer cells s womb. Many of us may have tumors growing inside of us right now, however if we do not promote it with unhealthy lifestyle choices and exposures, we can keep it under control, slow the growth and perhaps even reverse it.

Cancer is treated conventionally with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapy, and targeted therapy. All of these treatments have varying degrees of dangers, side effects and success. As an example, exposure to ionizing radiation and chemotherapy is a leading cause of many types of leukemia.

A close friend was diagnosed with late stage breast cancer. When her oncologist was asked what diet or lifestyle changes was recommended, he dismissed the subject by telling her it did not matter what she did for her diet or lifestyle etc. because none of it matters or is proven. When inquires were made of the reputation of this oncologist, he was highly regarded in his specialty by other healthcare professionals . Quoted from Anticancer: A New Way of Life, by David Sevan-Schreiber, MD, PhD: “In reality, what my doctor meant was that oncology is an extraordinarily complex field that is changing at breakneck speed. He was already hard pressed to keep up with the most recent diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. We had used all the drugs and all recognized medical practices relevant to my case. In our present state of knowledge, we had reached the limits. As for more theoretical mind-body or nutritional approaches, he clearly lacked the time or interest to explore these avenues.”

Oaktree Wellness Center recognizes the value and need for conventional cancer treatments; surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, as well as the value of alternative therapies and modalities especially done in combination. Review of current literature suggests that the combination of conventional treatments and antioxidants/supplements can be administered safely before, during and after conventional therapies without diminishing or interfering with the efficacy of effectiveness of the treatments. In fact, most studies suggest that this combination of antioxidants, an anticancer diet, detoxification of carcinogenic substances, and immune stimulation can enhance outcomes by improving tumor responsiveness, increasing survival times and lessoning toxicities. Of course, the best treatment for cancer is prevention-not getting it. In our clinic, we work with our patients to help guide them towards healthy living and minimize their risk of developing cancer as well as offering nutritional counseling, detoxification and IV therapies such as high dose Vitamin C for patients who have been diagnosed.