There are a rapidly growing number of health related web sites on the Internet today. To help you sort through the confusion we've assembled a list of sites we feel are useful and meet our high standards. Just as the Internet is expanding, this directory will too. We suggest you bookmark this page and refer to it often!
A.C.A.M. American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) IV nutrient /chelation practitioners
Eastern Healing Acupuncture, Peter Harvey, Lac, located at Oaktree Wellness Center
Midwest Hyperbaric Institute Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Healthy Living
Local Harvest Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), locally grown organic food
Genesis Growers Dr. Tom and Lisa's favorite CSA
Eat Wild Map for local sources of humanely raised meat products
Environmental Working Group Environmental Working Group, great enviro-friendly sites
Mother Earth Living formerly Natural Home Magazine, eco-friendly home/garden information
The Green Guide Newsletter Green Guide newsletter, newsletter on living green
Nutrition Action Newsletter Nutrition Action Newsletter, info on everyday foods
American Associaton of Naturopathic Physicians American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, national association for accredited NDs
Bastyr Bastyr University, accredited naturopathic education